by Travis Partington | Oct 8, 2021 | Blog
I was on at 101 Arch St in Boston doing work when all of the sudden my colleagues and I got word that something terrible had happened in New York City. We were all watching the TV and our computer screens when the second plane hit the Tower. Our thoughts...
by Travis Partington | May 27, 2021 | Blog
This is the information post about the Livestream I am doing with Danielle Rocco of Devoted to a Soldier for Gold Star son Richard Fitts Jr. SSGT. Richard Fitts Sr. lost his life during a mission in Laos in 1968. It took 21 years for Richard Fitts Jr. and his family...
by Travis Partington | Aug 31, 2020 | Blog
This is a follow up to the post about Veterans Garden Inc. event with Rolling Thunder MA Chapter 2. The Afternoon Cookout featured Sean T Hannan of Veterans Get Guitars ( Sean started his outreach in...
by Travis Partington | Aug 30, 2020 | Blog
The President of Rolling Thunder Chapter 2 got a hold of me and said I should check out the Cookout at The Veterans Garden Sunday, August 30th. I went down to Bridgewater, MA and was impressed by the work done. Veterans grow vegetables for themselves and for a food...
by Travis Partington | Jul 22, 2019 | Blog
Three years ago to the day, I posted this on my old wordpress. I had no idea what was going to happen or even if Oscar Mike Radio would last this long. 156 podcasts later, I am still having fun producing them. Getting to learn about Veterans and Military issues, the...
by Travis Partington | Dec 14, 2018 | Blog
Evening with South Shore Veteran Assistance I was doing a livecast at Veteran Owned Veteran Operated in Abington, MA. Jonathan Gosselin asked me to talk about South Shore Veterans Assistance during the livecast. SSVA is a local group from the South Shore area of...
by Travis Partington | Dec 11, 2018 | Blog
LiveCast at Veteran Owned Veteran Operated – 12/09/18 Owned. What does that mean? Business owners know about the word owned. It has been a good thing to talk with so many Veterans who are business owners. Many times that ownership is dealing with problems that...
by Travis Partington | May 30, 2018 | Blog
Richard Fitts Jr. invited to come watch the pre-release version of “21 Years a Folded Flag” at the Bridgewater, MA Public Library. I was pleased to see how many people came to support Richard and Rudy’s labor of love. It was standing room only by...
by Travis Partington | May 15, 2018 | Blog
Patton Veterans Project I got a Facebook Message a couple days ago from Ben Patton of Patton Veterans Project. He wanted to speak with me about his organization Patton Veterans Project. JJ Bennett, who was a guest on Episode 76 (Episode 76 – Power Breathing &...
by Travis Partington | Feb 19, 2018 | Blog
Saturday was go time for Michael Darrah. The Soldier, Army Ranger, husband and father said he was going to step into a ring having never done it before. He did. I went to Warwick last night to check out Brawl for it All 5. There is some who would say that the boxing...
by Travis Partington | Oct 24, 2017 | Blog
I was 11 when this happened. I don’t remember much to tell you the truth. I read about it in school, and the bombing was covered in detail when I was in boot camp. A large truck carrying a bomb ran into a command center in Beirut, Lebanon killed over 300 people....
by Travis Partington | Jun 7, 2017 | Blog
I looked at that image and tried to wrap my head around it. More Americans died on June 6th than in the Afghanistan over 10 years. I don’t know what else I can add to what has been already said, written and filmed about D-Day. I do know that without D-Day it...
by Travis Partington | Apr 21, 2017 | Blog
I had the privilege of being able to guest host last Wednesday on South Shore News and Views. The program airs on WVBF AM 1530. SSN&Vs is hosted by Jack White, Murray Vetstein and Bob Wisgirda. You could say this program is where I got my real start in radio. I...
by Travis Partington | Jan 12, 2017 | Blog
Mark Vital from Sweats for Vets sent me an email today with the 2016 Campaign Totals. Mark Vital was in Episode 18 – Mark Vital – Sweats for Vets. Mark Vital and his crew wrapped and distributed 1,033 sweatshirts to 28 different shelters/transitional...
by Travis Partington | Dec 7, 2016 | Blog
Today marks 75 years ago that Japan attacked conducted a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor. The attack changed our country forever, and the effects can still be felt today. I feel it is important to take time to remember what happened and understand how this changed us...
by Travis Partington | Dec 4, 2016 | Blog
I got to talk to Tim Montjoy recently and he is coming on Oscar Mike Radio in February 2017. I wanted to say congratulations on his retirement from the Air Force on November 30th. Tim joined the Air Force in 1996 in client systems and has been deployed worldwide...