by Travis Partington | Mar 25, 2017 | Podcast
Question of the Week I was asked about AMVets marching in the Saint Patty’s Day Parade. I do and I don’t care. I care that AMVets had to make such a big deal about this. I don’t care because as long as you can shoot, carry ammo boxes and get me to...
by Travis Partington | Mar 17, 2017 | Podcast
Question of the Week I have been asked repeatedly about the absolute FUBAR situation with the sharing of explicit photos of unaware female Marines by male Marines. Tuesday, Commandant Neller had to answer for the actions of his Marines. I am going to do a show on...
by Travis Partington | Mar 10, 2017 | Podcast
This episode was about Marlene in Illinois who is coordinating taking her father on Honor Flight. The Honor Flight Network mission is, “To transport America’s Veterans to Washington, DC to visit those memorials dedicated to honor the service and sacrifices of...
by Travis Partington | Feb 24, 2017 | Podcast
I joined the Marine Corps from Shreveport, LA. However, my first real exposure with the military was the Air Force. My Dad would take us to the annual Barksdale AFB Air Show every year. It was cool. We would see everything from WWI to modern military aircraft. I...
by Travis Partington | Feb 10, 2017 | Podcast
Operation Teammate, Oscar Mike Radio and Whoobazoo would like to dedicate Episode 30 to the service and memory of Chief Petty Officer William “Ryan” Owens. Ryan Owens was a Navy Seal who was killed in Yemen on January 30th, 2017. I...
by Travis Partington | Feb 3, 2017 | Podcast
Question of the Week What do you think about Donald Trump doing ____________________ and why aren’t you talking about it? Ok I understand people are all worked up about politics right now, but my answer is this. I am not going to make this a political platform....
by Travis Partington | Jan 27, 2017 | Podcast
Question of the Week This came from Adam in Illnois. “I want to start my own podcast talking about veteran issues in my area. Do you think I can do it?” I told him yes, if he had ideas and issues he wanted to talk about that this was a good time to...
by Travis Partington | Jan 20, 2017 | Podcast
This episode is dedicated to John Francis Meath. I went to HAWK School with John, we served in the same HAWK Battery (Charlie). John passed away Monday, January 9th 2017. He was 52. Everyone who knew John in Ist LAAM BN loved the big Irishman from NY who loved the...
by Travis Partington | Jan 13, 2017 | Podcast
Every now and then you run across someone who actually doing something to help others, and not just waiting for someone else to do something.. Tamara volunteers with AHOPE in Ashville, North Carolina. AHOPE is the Day Center for Homeward Bound. Homeward Bound works to...
by Travis Partington | Jan 12, 2017 | Blog
Mark Vital from Sweats for Vets sent me an email today with the 2016 Campaign Totals. Mark Vital was in Episode 18 – Mark Vital – Sweats for Vets. Mark Vital and his crew wrapped and distributed 1,033 sweatshirts to 28 different shelters/transitional...
by Travis Partington | Dec 30, 2016 | Podcast
I can’t believe this is the last episode of 2016. I really enjoy doing Oscar Mike Radio and on many levels I have gotten more out of this than I thought possible a year ago. The Question of the Week I was asked what does 2017 have in store for Oscar Mike Radio?...
by Travis Partington | Dec 16, 2016 | Podcast
Question of the Week Do you think we will be attacked again like we were at Pearl Harbor? I had to think about this one. I don’t know if someone will be able to replicate something like Pearl Harbor in this day and age of satellite coverage and early warning...
by Travis Partington | Dec 4, 2016 | Blog
I got to talk to Tim Montjoy recently and he is coming on Oscar Mike Radio in February 2017. I wanted to say congratulations on his retirement from the Air Force on November 30th. Tim joined the Air Force in 1996 in client systems and has been deployed worldwide...
by Travis Partington | Dec 2, 2016 | Podcast
The Question of the Week This is not so much a question, but answer. Since day one I have been asked about getting the show on ITunes or Google Play. It is already on SoundCloud. The team at made this happen for me, and listeners couldn’t be more...
by Travis Partington | Nov 25, 2016 | Podcast
Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you are enjoying time with family and friends. Question of the Week “Who did you vote for president?” I have been asked that by more people than anything else with Oscar Mike Radio. As I explained in the podcast, I don’t...
by Travis Partington | Nov 24, 2016 | Blog
Happy Thanksgiving! Many years ago I spent holidays away from family and friends while in the Marine Corps. There are those who are in harm’s way or on duty right now on this holiday. When you are around the table with your family for dinner, I would ask that...