243 – Chris Turner – The Freedom Launch

243 – Chris Turner – The Freedom Launch

Chris Turner is a Marine Veteran who is a rising Country Music Star. He is working with the Department of the VFW in Tennessee and the Crosswinds Foundation to launch the Freedom Tour. This is more than just a concert. It is the means to give people the tools they...
222 – Clayton Q – Red, White and Ice

222 – Clayton Q – Red, White and Ice

January 16th Clayton Q will be performing at The Boondox in Columbia, TN to support the launch of L United. L United is bringing hockey to Veterans and children in the Nashville, TN region. This organization is taking a unique approach to hockey for children and...
218 – Chad Prather

218 – Chad Prather

I first saw Chad when I caught some of his videos talking about life in the cab of his pickup truck. Fast forward to today and Chad is world renowned comedian who approaches life through the lens of common sense and laughter. Talking with me during a break from...
215 – Kev Breen – Immersive Labs

215 – Kev Breen – Immersive Labs

NOTE: 215 was supposed to come out on 11/12/20. It is now out on 11/19/20, My apologies Kevin “Kev” Breen is my first foreign military guest on Oscar Mike Radio. Kev served in the U.K. Army for 15 years in the Royal Corps of Signals before transitioning to...
208 – Sweat Activated

208 – Sweat Activated

We are doing 208 Live tonight. I am going talk about the Oscar Mike Radio Sweat Activated Shirt made by Authentically American and the promotion we are doing to raise money for Vet Unite and Wild Hearts Therapeutic Equestrian Program. Also...
207 – Irreverent Warriors – Nashville

207 – Irreverent Warriors – Nashville

This is part two of my series on Irreverent Warriors Tennessee Silkies Hikes. The first show in this series was 204 – Irreverent Warriors – Chattanooga (https://oscarmikeradio.com/204-i…) with Bobbi Smith Taylor.207 had me talking with USMC Veteran...
204 – Irreverent Warriors – Chattanooga

204 – Irreverent Warriors – Chattanooga

I talked with Marine Corps Veteran Bobbi Smith Taylor. Bobbi is the coordinator for the Irreverent Warrior Chattanooga hike that is taking place Saturday, August 22nd. Learning about Irreverent Warriors and Bobbi’s journey opened my eyes to how important it is...
203 – My Military Story – The Reaper

203 – My Military Story – The Reaper

Continuing the “My Military Story” Series, I talk about the end of Second Phase in Boot Camp. There is a hump at the end and everyone is supposed to do to make it up “The Reaper”. This is a 700 Foot mountain that all MCRD San Diego Marines must...
195 – Show Up!

195 – Show Up!

I had a hiring manager reach out to me in frustration that Veterans did not show up to job interviews. Did some reading and this article by Saxon Mardsen – Huggins of Recruit Shop(https://recruitshop.com.au/why-people-dont-show-up-for-interviews/) laid it out...