166 – My Military Story – The Gas Chamber

166 – My Military Story – The Gas Chamber

It has been as while so I wanted to to tell another part of my time in the military. The Gas Chamber to me was the worst part of boot camp.. Don’t know why I feel that way I just do. Look at these upcoming events below. Make sure you like and follow Oscar Mike...
164 – VA Nurses at Greater Boston Stand Down

164 – VA Nurses at Greater Boston Stand Down

Veteran getting a hair cut! I went to the 2019 Greater Boston Stand Down put on by the New England Center and Home for Veterans. I met some nurses from the Greater VA Medical Center and they started getting me right. Good stuff. The Nurses Got Me! Sponsor Information...
162 – The Moving Wall Attleboro, MA

162 – The Moving Wall Attleboro, MA

I got an email from listener about The Moving Wall. This monument is half the size of the original Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall in Washington D.C. There was an oppurtunity to talk with Veterans in Attleboro, MA about how this exhibit is coming to Attleboro, MA. The...
161 – Too Much 22?

161 – Too Much 22?

I was talking with a friend of mine last Sunday and all the sudden he got serious. He looked at me and said, I am really happy now Travis. I asked him why. He said about four months ago he started taking himself out of PTSD social media groups. What he noticed when he...
153 – Ashley Bugge – No Bucket Lists

153 – Ashley Bugge – No Bucket Lists

I got an email from Moni Jefferson (https://www.monijeffersonpr.com/) about Ashley Bugge. Moni does PR work and has a whole part of her business focused on the military. As I read the email, I realized I had heard the name before. Last year her husband, Brian Bugge,...
152 – Weekend on the Move

152 – Weekend on the Move

Some people have asked me what “Oscar Mike” actually means for me. I wanted to share a bit about what that means at certain times. Here we go. Braintree Rotary Golf Tournament It was my pleasure to support the Braintree Rotary by doing a LiveCast at their...
146 – 4th Annual Massasoit Radio Conference

146 – 4th Annual Massasoit Radio Conference

Keith and I had a great time with our audience Four years ago I went to Massasoit Community College to learn more about podcasting. I have said before that podcasting appealed to me because I could use my voice and I could create my path for Veteran’s Advocacy....
143 – Sacha’s Questions

143 – Sacha’s Questions

Introduction Sacha reached out to me on Facebook Messenger. She wanted to ask me some questions about podcasting. Here are my answers that I wrote her. This podcast is the oral answers to the same questions, but come off differently. In a way, these are questions that...
142 – Bride vs Marine

142 – Bride vs Marine

I heard about an article on reddit where a bride asks a Marine to leave her wedding. (https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/b3v1yg/aita_for_asking_my_wedding_guest_to_leave_for/) Now, I don’t know if this is for real. I haven’t seen where the...
141 – Elephant Walk

141 – Elephant Walk

I saw this video on US Military News and was intrigued. You can watch the video below. I had no idea what an elephant walk was or where the term originated. Good old Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elephant_walk_(aeronautics) said that this term originated...
140 – Defaced WWII Monument

140 – Defaced WWII Monument

I read the story about the defacement of a WWII Monument in South Boston, and got mad. Really mad. This podcast was to express my frustation with this cowardly act. The men and women who served in WWII, answered to call to defend our country from people who were...