308 – 09/11 – We Must Never Forget

The attacks of 09/11 changed our country. I wanted to take some time on September 10th to get my thoughts out before 09/11 tomorrow. We must never forget. Oscar Mike Radio Sponsors Asack Real Estate Email: joyce@asackrealestate.comPhone:...
302 – Jane Babcock – Still Serving

302 – Jane Babcock – Still Serving

I met Jane through Althea Williams’, She Vets It Clubhouse. I found Jane to be a wealth of information about Veterans Benefits and I have learned a lot from her. Jane is third generation U.S. Army. She got out and has never stopped serving her fellow Veterans in...
301 – Tony Aubrey – Operation Vet Now

301 – Tony Aubrey – Operation Vet Now

I met Tony through Alan Lacerda’s Thank Me for My Service Podcast. Tony is USAF Ret. and started Operation Vet Now. Operation Vet Now works to improve the overall wellness of Veterans regardless and where and how they served. As I learned about the Veteran Athlete...
300 – Mistress Carrie

300 – Mistress Carrie

Yes, Oscar Mike Radio drops on Thursday, but for #300 it is dropping on Oscar Mike Radio’s birthday which is July 16th. So this Saturday #300 is dropping with a two-hour show featuring Mistress Carrie! Mistress Carrie came on Oscar Mike Radio for number 67 when...
299 – The Fitts Family & Letters to M.I.A.s

299 – The Fitts Family & Letters to M.I.A.s

I met Richard Fitts Jr for Oscar Mike Radio number 92. He was in the final stages of bringing his father, SSG Richard Fitts Sr.’s story to life. Over the years a bond of friendship has been formed as I learn more about the Fitts’ family story. Austin Fitts is SSG...