276 – Otis McGregor – Tribe and Purpose

276 – Otis McGregor – Tribe and Purpose

Starting a business or company can be difficult on a good day, and even more so when things are going poorly. Sometimes you need an outside party to look at what you and your company are doing to determine what is keeping you from a path to success. LTC Otis McGregor,...
274 -Brian Gibson – Project DieHard 22

274 -Brian Gibson – Project DieHard 22

When you talk with Brian Gibson the first thing that stands out is the voice. It is a voice that has known sorry but is still strong. The strength that is needed to stand up Forward Operating Base Rush in Paducah, KY as part of Project Die Hard 22. Brian states,...

273 – Thomas Kilgannon – Freedom Alliance

I am continually reminded that Veterans Service Organizations are all different. As I was talking with Thomas Kilgannon who is the president of the Freedom Alliance, I thought that the theme for 2022 should be that the need is still there. Freedom works to serve...