Michelle Hamilton Veterans’ Services Division Director and Veterans Services Officer asked me to come to the Town of Foxborough and Boyden Library’s Veterans Book Club Event. The featured author was Andy Biggio, USMC Veteran, police officer and Veterans Advocate. He had come to talk about his new book, “The Rifle 2”.
Boyden Library hosted the event, and it was standing room only. Andy remarked that it was great seeing how Foxborough came out to support Veterans.
One of the highlights of the evening was when World War II U.S. Army Veteran Caster Salemi, who is 102 years old shared with all of us how David Danforth who is a member of the Veterans Brotherhood VMC, and the rest of the brotherhood set up an event for Caster, Andy, and other World War II Veterans.
Other people shared stories that their parents and grandparents told them about World War II. I liked seeing the engagement people had with Andy. It was a good way to end September 11th.
These kinds of events show me that there is a hunger for Americans to learn about their history. We need that connection to past so we don’t forget what is important to us.
I can’t wait for the next book club. Thank you to everyone who made this event possible.
You can learn more by going to the following links.
- https://thewwiirifle.com/
- https://boydenlibrary.org/
- https://www.foxboroughma.gov/departments/veterans_services