Tony served in the Navy and started his Veterans’ Advocacy in 2013.
He rides his motorcycle across the United States to bring comfort to Gold Star Families.
When Tony connects with Gold Star Families the time spent lets them know that they are not forgotten. If possible Tony will use the support given to the Gold Star Foundation to assist families where needed.
This conversation is another example of a Veteran taking what he has and using it to bring comfort to others. Gold Star Foundation is a non-profit and is funded through donations. Consider supporting Tony today.
Go to to learn more and help Tony with his mission.
Watch Tony Price on YouTube
Listen to the Gold Star Foundation on Spotify
Oscar Mike Radio Sponsors
Asack Real Estate

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Reaper Detailing and Powerwashing

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Bone Frog Warrior – Official Apparel for OMR

Photo: Courtesy of DHouse Photography
Jeff Haywood is a retired Navy Seal and now owns and operates Bone Frog Warrior Apparel.
Encourage your audience to use this link to purchase Bone Frog Warrior apparel. In addition, you can tell them that they will receive 10% off of BFW apparel purchases when they use this coupon code: OSCARMIKE
Oscar Mike Radio Supporters!!!!
Caisson Shaving Company

The only shaving products I used on my face come from Travis Arnold’s company, Caisson Shaving Company. Travis is a Veteran and has created products that can be used anywhere. Use code “OMR10” for a 10% discount when you order
BlackCat Designs

BlackCat Designs does 3D Printing and Design. Click on the link below!
Savage American Woodwork

US Army National Guard Veteran Jesse Nye does amazing hand-crafted woodwork. Go to to learn more and support a Veteran Owned Business!