by Travis Partington | Apr 6, 2022 | Podcast
There are always backstories and sub-plots when you have a big event like this. The big event is Operation Giving Back and Toliet Paper PyramidSaturday, April 9th. Part four is a story about a bet Michelle Baxter has with me. She wants me married off and isconvinced I...
by Travis Partington | Feb 22, 2019 | Podcast
I talked about Jody in 2018 a lot. In the military Jody is the guy who is with your wife or girlfriend while you are deployed. My series about this is to raise awareness about infidelity and the harmful after effects to men and military servicemembers. One of the...
by Travis Partington | Sep 29, 2018 | Podcast
Question of the Week I got asked if I am watching the NFL this year. I said no. I don’t even have cable anymore. In a complete reverse, I do not have a fantasy football team either. I don’t miss it, and I am not sure if NFL football could ever get me back...