OMR Episode 21 – 75th anniversary of Pearl Harbor
Question of the Week Are you excited about "Mad Dog" Mattis being selected to be Secretary of Defense. I can only say YES in so many ways........
75th Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day
Today marks 75 years ago that Japan attacked conducted a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor. The attack changed our country forever, and the effects...
Congratualtions to Tim Montjoy
I got to talk to Tim Montjoy recently and he is coming on Oscar Mike Radio in February 2017. I wanted to say congratulations on his retirement from...
OMR Episode 20 Toys for Tots
The Question of the Week This is not so much a question, but answer. Since day one I have been asked about getting the show on ITunes or Google...
OMR Episode 19 Thanksgiving Message
Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you are enjoying time with family and friends. Question of the Week "Who did you vote for president?" I have been asked...
Happy Thanksgiving from Oscar Mike Radio
Happy Thanksgiving! Many years ago I spent holidays away from family and friends while in the Marine Corps. There are those who are in harm's way or...
Thank You To Our Sponsors
Oscar Mike Radio would like to thank our sponsors as well as our listeners throughout this great country
Thank You To Our Sponsors!
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