348 – Aaron Hale – E.O.D Fudge
I would like to tell you that all of these are easy, and I have this down to science. However, my systems were acting up and I had a limited window...
347 – Carlos Graveran – Veterans Hospice Program
There is a lot about the end of life that I didn’t know anything about. Carlos and I got connected because he serves Veterans with the hospice...
346 – Rohini Bagrodia – Columbia University Family Flex Study
I was in a thread about family advocacy for Veterans when someone asked about the Columbia University Family Flex Study. A family study about...
345 – Dr. Reaves – Kiss Lori for Me
get an email about a book written about a story during the Vietnam War. What is different about this book is it was written by someone who never...
344 – Rugged Warrior Healing Coalition Retreat – Part 5 – Gina Alderman
Gina Alderman has come on Oscar Mike Radio as an author. She wrote in Veterans Unchained Anthology and put together Veterans Unchained 2.0. This...
344 – Rugged Warrior Healing Coalition Retreat – Part Four – Inez Moutarde
“I have never done anything like this on Oscar Mike Radio.” This thought was going through my mind as I started talking with U.S. Army Veteran Inez...
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