Jack (L) and Brian (R) talking about Veterans

November 8th, I was invited to come on the radio show South Shore News and Views on WVBF AM 1530 in Taunton, MA. SSN&V is hosted by Jack White, Bob Wisgirda, and Murray Vetstein. They had me on last year to do Oscar Mike Radio “Live” and it was an honor to be invited to come back on the show.

Joining me this was U.S. Navy Veteran Brian Hoffman. Brian served during the Vietnam war and had lived the post Vietnam experience. Currently is the Director for Corporate Relations for the The Children’s Museum in Easton (The Childrens Museum in Easton). It is always a pleasure to get to talk with another Veteran. Murray served in the U.S. Navy as well so this Marine felt right at home.

I learn a lot listening to older Veterans. Especially Vietnam Veterans who had a much different homecoming experience than Veterans do now. I feel it is important to get that perspective. Brian and Murray shared their views on the draft which were like mine.

Teamsters Local 653

Brian Hoffman had Brian McElhinney, Principal Office for Teamsters Local 653, (Teamsters Local 653 Website) call into to the show. We talked about how the Teamsters support Veterans hiring and other community outreach projects. So many times Unions seem to get nothing but negative press, so it was good to hear that a Veteran in Massachusetts could go to the Union after the military to look for work.

Brian Hoffman also thanked Brian McElhinney for the Teamsters support of Toys for Troops and the Children’s Museum in Easton. In both cases Teamsters Local 653 went above and beyond to help out with both efforts. It was good getting to learn about this.





Tim and Legend, Client Eastwood

In the second hour, Tim Montjoy from Operation Teammate called in to talk to us. Operation Teammate provides outings for children of military and first responders who are deployed. This allows Operation Teammate to craft events that provide mentorship opportunities to the children that attend these outings. Tim also talked about how the athletes are moved by the opportunity to show these children what hard work and dedication to education and sport can do for their future. To find out more, got to http://www.operationteammate.org/

This was my second year doing this with WVBF AM 1530 – South Shore New and Views. I love radio, and getting to be on with Jack, Bob, and Murray is a treat. South Shore News is one of many programs on WVBF AM 1530. You can get the complete list of shows and more information on http://www.hometowntalkradio.com/   

See you all next year!




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