Just remember, they are trained to tell you what you want to hear……… 😉 Things haven’t changed much since Tun Tavern

22 years ago I was in first phase at MCRD San Diego. I realized I hadn’t really talked about my military story as it were. So  I wanted to start telling my story over the coming months.

I was working at a car dealership and realized my life had it a dead end. Without a radical change,  I wouldn’t be going anywhere. I made my list of pros and cons and talked to a recruiter who was more than happy to help me along my journey. Oh yeah, he helped me alright….., that is for a different podcast.

I learned you just don’t walk into an office like in the movies and go right into the service. There are many hoops to jump through and tons of hurry up and wait.

I will have part 2 ready in July. OMR sends