Question of the Week
How was the 16th Annual Leave No One Behind Gala?
I really admire the mission of the New England Center and Home for Veterans. Their mission focus is to serve a segment of the Veteran population that is disadvantaged – homeless Veterans. However, in recent years the Center has transformed into a place that serves all Veterans. It was great seeing all the people come out to support NECHV during their 16th Annual Leave No One Behind Gala.
Really enjoyed Bill Brett’s writeup about the Gala. I am extremely happy to see all the support for the Center and their mission as well. I am already looking forward to 2019!
Bill Brett Boston Globe Article
The Word
World War One Series Part III – Battle of Orleans

Chatham Coast Guard Rowing out to save 32 Americans
Once again, I found out how little I know about World War One. I had no idea that a German U-Boat attacked an American tug boat and four barges. On July 21st, 1918 off the coast of Orleans a German surfaced and began shelling the tug boat Perth Amboy. I based this podcast off the Mass Moments Website (
The Chatham Coast Guard rowed wooden boats in the middle of the U-Boat attack to rescue crew, their wives and children. I had never heard about this until recently. This is the kind of subject I wanted to cover for my World War One Series.

Perth Amboy Sunk
Upcoming Events
Big thanks to Davide Henke, Veterans Outreach Coordinator for the VA Boston System for providing these upcoming events to check out.
- The North Shore Veterans Collaborative Bi-Monthly Meeting:
October 18, 2018 @ 6:30pm – Portuguese American War Vets Club; 103 Tremont St., Peabody, MA 01960
Vets In Tech Training – 22-26 October – Boston – there a few slots left in the cybersecurity course. Veterans and spouses can attend and they cover the tuition / course materials. Go to:
Or contact Christopher Starling, VetsinTech, 415-713-0722
Hire a Veteran Month Kick Off at the Massachusetts State House: October 31st – Members of all Massachusetts Chambers of Commerce, Workforce Development Boards and Businesses in the Massachusetts area are invited to discuss veteran’s programs within the Commonwealth. One of the primary focuses of this event will be the Department of Labor’s Veteran’s Medallion Program to employers, along with other resources available to Businesses in hiring veterans. Event showcases the Commonwealth’s Workforce System re-branding to implement the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). All of their work has culminated into One Vision, One Mission and One Name bringing the Commonwealth’s Workforce System into a new era based on Collaboration, Respect, Reliability and Ingenuity.
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