157 – Something Old, Something New
You can go to www.facebook.com/oscarmikeradio/ to see something I am going to try doing more and more. 157 marks where I make a real effort to do...
Oscar Mike Radio turns 3!!!
Three years ago to the day, I posted this on my old wordpress. I had no idea what was going to happen or even if Oscar Mike Radio would last this...
156 Megan Bruce – Military Sexual Trauma Movement
Megan Bruce is part of a movement that is gaining momentum to end Military Sexual Trauma in the Marine Corps.
155 – MA Secretary of Veterans Services, Francisco Urena
At Massachusetts Veterans' Memorial Cemetery - Agawam, MA. I have lived in Massachusetts for a while. Well, a long while at this point. I am still...
154 – Jarheads Fallen Seven
My thoughts about the Fallen Jarheads M/C
153 – Ashley Bugge – No Bucket Lists
I got an email from Moni Jefferson (https://www.monijeffersonpr.com/) about Ashley Bugge. Moni does PR work and has a whole part of her business...
Thank You To Our Sponsors
Oscar Mike Radio would like to thank our sponsors as well as our listeners throughout this great country
Thank You To Our Sponsors!
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