I can’t believe this is the last episode of 2016. I really enjoy doing Oscar Mike Radio and on many levels I have gotten more out of this than I thought possible a year ago.

The Question of the Week

I was asked what does 2017 have in store for Oscar Mike Radio? 2017 will continue as 2016 ended. This means I am getting better and producing content, but more important I continue to work to give voice to those in need and those who are trying to help. I want focus on veterans who have started or are in business for themselves.

I think there is a lot to learn and I want to support these men and women who are trying to build something.

I also want to say that if these is someone you know who supports veterans or active duty and needs a voice to reach out to me. I would like to talk them and tell their story.

The Word

The Complaint Department is real. I wanted to do something with my podcast that would break away from The Word which is sometimes serious. Especially when I am trying to get make numbers and statistics seem relevant.

These two knuckleheads have been there from the beginning. Thanks guys

These two knuckleheads have been there from the beginning. Thanks guys

POG (Person other than Grunt) and GRUNT were there from the beginning and believed in what I could do before anyone else did. They were always complaining about something so it seemed to work for what I was trying to do. Us military types are only happy when we have something to gripe about. I appreciate their support and how they keep me smiling when I am on the grind.

They come up with something to complain about, and text me what is on their mind. I use it for the show, and sometimes they come up with some doozies.

These two have some ideas they are cooking up for Oscar Mike Radio. I like talking to them because they have no problem telling me when I could do better, and are the first ones to tell me when everything went right.

POG was on assignment this week, so Grunt talked about some of his experiences.

This was fun to do, and I am looking forward to having them back.

I will do a Unit Shout Out and Upcoming Events next week. Have a safe and Happy New Year everyone!