I met Ben back in 2018 and he came on Oscar Mike Radio for #109 (https://oscarmikeradio.com/episode-109-get-up-nation/). At the time Ben, had published the book “Get Up” (https://read.amazon.com/kp/embed?asin=B071P4FWDG&preview=newtab&linkCode=kpe&ref_=cm_sw_r_kb_dp_ICfuFb2F4W1MC) and talked to me about that experience.
In the last year Ben has been focused on the concept of Get Up Nation. This is where a group of people who have had to be resilient share their stories on his podcast, “Get Up Nation Show”. What is happening is there are many stories that one can draw from to understand how to overcome adversity. Stories that when you down or feeling hopeless, you and listen and get some light in your life.
This has worked for me and I want to thank Ben for sharing what he has been doing and how this all works. Because as a nation, together we can GET UP. Go to https://www.getupnationpodcast.com/ to find out more.
Thanks to my sponsors Joyce Asack, Mark Holmes and Shaun Schubert for supporting Veterans!
Asack Real Estate
- Email: joyce@asackrealestate.com
- Phone: 508-942-7146
- Website: asackrealestate.com
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AsackRealEstate/
Reaper Detailing and Powerwashing
- Email: markholmes1.mh@gmail.com
- Phone: 508-298-2674
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/reapersdetailing
Red Seal Martial Arts
- Red Seal Martial Arts 155 Millennium Cir Lakeville, Massachusetts
- (774) 259-9258
- www.redsealma.com