8 episodes!! Time flies when you are having fun.
Question of the Week
I was asked about the Patriot Guard Riders, and briefly went over what that organization does and my participation in this group.
The Word
I had the pleasure of talking to Jill St Jacques about her work for veterans. Jill and her friends make knit blankets, scarves, and hats for veterans.
They do not get paid for doing this. It is their way of giving something back to veterans who don’t have a lot of color in their lives many times. These items are donated to a VA Hospital in Ohio and Massachusetts. Jill has received many thank you notes
Jill needs yarn scraps to make more items for veterans. If you would like to donate, drop me a message on the Oscar Mike Facebook Page.
POG and Grunt Compliant of the week
What is up with all the uniform changes? Every time I turn around I see different cammie and BDU patterns coming out. Why can’t they pick one and stick with it.
Unit Shout Out
I would like to give this week’s shout out to the Young Marines Detachment out of Yarmouth, MA. They provided security for the Patriot Guard for Sunday’s Bridge Dedication for the family of Michael Vecchione.
Cpl Nicholas Xiarhos Young Marines
Upcoming Events
Plymouth Proud Veterans Welcome Home Concert (Fundraiser) – Sept 16th; Host: “V is for Veteran” and Nathan Hale Foundation; 7:30pm: classic rock fest to support local Veterans organizations. GIMMELIVE.COM; 978-525-9093; Plymouth Memorial Hall, 83 Court Street, Plymouth, MA; the same groups will be playing at the Lowell Memorial Auditorium on Sunday, Sept 17th.
VA Boston Mental Health Summit & Open House, Sept 16, 9am-3pm, Jamaica Plain Campus – The VA Boston Healthcare System is excited to hosted the 2016 Community Mental Health Summit with guest speakers from The National Center for PTSD, the Home Base Program, Samaritans, Inc., and the Massachusetts Department of Veteran Services, SAVE Team. The summit will focus on Suicide Prevention, Serving Veteran and Military Service Members, and Accessing VA Mental Health Services. This is a great opportunity for community agencies and the VA to join forces to better serve our Veterans. Light breakfast and lunch provided. POC: Abigail.Beagen@va.gov; 617-879-8636
Hamilton Veterans Services Fair 2016! – Sept 17th; Light lunch to be served; Employment, Housing, Disability Benefits, VA Home Loan.VA Healthcare, Team RWB, N. Shore YMCA Veteran Initiative, State Benefits; POC: Greg McKenna at: skinnerclaw@yahoo.com
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