Episode 103 – Burnouts 4 Veterans 2018

I did a podcast on this last year. Episode 54 was about the 4th Annual Burnouts 4 Veterans at the Brockton VFW Post 1046 – Oscar Mike Radio Episode 54 – Burnouts for Veternans . Well long story short, Albie, Tiny and Victor are back at it again this year for the 5th Annual Burnouts 4 Veterans, and it is going to better than ever.

What is Burnouts 4 Veterans? This is where people in all kinds of vehicles have fun burning rubber to raise money for Veterans’ causes. Last year a couple thousand people show up to watch tires literally burst into fire. All money raised goes to support local Veterans in the Brockton Area.

This year the crew setup shuttle buses for people to help out with parking. It is still $20.00 per car load. If you have van and can fill it full of people it is $20.00. Got a motorcycle, still $20.00, but better than any movie showing right now. There is bocce ball in the back of the VFW, and the DJ kept the crowd’s energy up last year. This was hopping so much that the VFW ran out of beer!!! I am told that problem has been solved, so while I am supposed to tell you to stay hydrated, all I can say is everything in moderation.

Watching cars burning rubber is fun. There wasn’t one problem in the crowd and this is definitely a family event. Just looking at the cars and talking to the drivers, is worth the price of admission. Albie, Tiny and Victor have created something that is fun but helps others. Check it out

#That_Pushup_Guy Tough

I wanted to give a real shout out to Jim Tough’s YouTube Channel. Jim does 22 Pushups five days a week to raise awareness about Veterans Suicide and PTSD. I really like the daily message before he does pushups. If you want to see what a real person is doing, then look no further and get Pushup Guy Tough.

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oWddeATX9sE[/embedyt]