U.S. Navy Lieutenant Courtenay Nold recommended that I reach out to Christine Walker who owns her own publishing company.
Christine served in the Navy as a Corpsman. After getting out she tried different things but found that writing ultimately was an area that she loved as she worked in different areas of the publishing industry.
Seeing that there was no real magazine focused on writing created solely by Veterans, Christine worked to create what is now Devil Doc Publishing.
Along with Devil Doc Publishing, Christine publishes a magazine called “At Ease”. “At Ease” is published quarterly. All the writing is contributed by Veterans with no filters, or lenses. It is Veterans writing stories about aspects of the military experience in a way that we who served can appreciate.
The power of writing to heal and connect can’t be taken for granted. Our conversation is a great example of a Veteran taking what they love and using it to help others.
Go to www.Ateaseveteransmagazine.com to learn more and subscribe. Thank you, Courtenay, for the recommendation. Christine, a Doc’s work is never done. Thank you for serving us.
Watch Devil Doc Publishing on YouTube
Listen to Devil Doc Publishing on Spotify
Bone Frog Warrior – Official Apparel for OMR

Photo: Courtesy of DHouse Photography
Jeff Haywood is a retired Navy Seal and now owns and operates Bone Frog Warrior Apparel.
Encourage your audience to use this link to purchase Bone Frog Warrior apparel. In addition, you can tell them that they will receive 10% off of BFW apparel purchases when they use this coupon code: OSCARMIKE
Oscar Mike Radio Supporters!!!!
Caisson Shaving Company

The only shaving products I used on my face came from Travis Arnold’s company, Caisson Shaving Company. Travis is a Veteran and has created products that can be used anywhere. Use code “OMR10” for a 10% discount when you order
BlackCat Designs

BlackCat Designs does 3D Printing and Design. Click on the link below!
Savage American Woodwork

US Army National Guard Veteran Jesse Nye does amazing hand-crafted woodwork. Go to https://www.facebook.com/SavageAmericanWoodwork to learn more and support a Veteran Owned Business!

Military Broadcast Radio

Oscar Mike Radio is now on Military Broadcast Radio on Thursdays at 8 PM EST.
Go to https://mbradio.us/ to learn more