125 – Army Veteran Becky Tough – Essential Oils & Toxin Free Living

I am always looking to learn how to live better. Most interesting are ways to introduce natural products into my daily life. Becky Tough served in the Army as a Medic. She told me what her favorite thing do in the Army was, and I got real nervous. Good thing she switched to wellness and healthy living, whew!

Becky has studied, researched and now uses essential oils as part of her journey toward complete wellness. Essential oils have been used for thousands of years, and more and more people use these oils in their daily lives.

Like others I have had on Oscar Mike Radio, Becky had to re-invent herself after separating from active duty service. As time and life went on she discovered that wellness for herself and family was a calling for her.

She started working with Young Living Products. You can find out more by going to her Facebook Page – Becky and Jim’s Young Living Essential Oils – These are high quality oils with all natural ingredients. Becky sent me a goody bag of samples and I am going to give this a go. If I can feel better with some of this stuff, why not?

The second mission focus for Becky is what she calls, “Toxin-Free Living“. This is where she can tell you how to reduce or altogether eliminate cleaning products that have harsh chemicals in the ingredients. I had an eye brow raised, I am not going to kid around with this. I still remember Gunny’s saying about Simple Green. “If it doesn’t smell green, then it is not clean Marine!” Those words will echo every time I clean my house. These products are all natural and it makes sense to try and switch.

As we talked, it became clear that this was not all about the money for Becky. She really wants you to consider using these products so you can have a better, healthier life. Again go to Becky’s Facebook Page to find out more: https://www.facebook.com/Toughwellness . I love it when Veterans make something different out of themselves, that still allows them to serve, but also enrich their own life. Keep being Tough Becky!

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